Ketubot 108 - Shabbat October 22, 27 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Ketubot 108 The Mishna said that if someone else provides food for the woman while the husband is away, Chanan held that he cannot force the husband to reimburse him upon his return. A different Mishna regarding one who forbade another from benefitting from him/her and then did a number of actions on the person's behalf. This Mishna seems to follow Chanan's position in our Mishna. However, not all agree and provide a different explanation for the cases in the other Mishna. The next two Mishnas discuss laws of Admon that others disagreed with. In a case where the estate does not have enough to support both the sons and daughters, how is the money split? If one claims one's friend owes jugs of oil, and the friend admits to the jugs and not the oil, is that considered a case of one who is modeh b'miktzat, admits to half, or not? What is the root of the debate? 

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