Ketubot 111 - 1st Day of Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan - October 25, 30 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

When Rabbi Zeira was planning to make aliya, he avoided seeing Rav Yehuda as he knew that Rav Yehuda was against moving to Israel, until God redeems us. First Rav Yehuda explained it from a verse saying that we will be sent to Babylonia and will not return until God redeems us, but Rabbi Zeira pointed out that the verse refers to the vessels of the Temple. Rav Yehuda then explained it from the verse in Shir HaShirim 2:7 about not stirring up the love for the beloved until the beloved requests. Rabbi Zeira understood that verse, as well as two other identical verses to be referring to the three oaths. One, that the Jews do not ascend to Israel "like a wall" (in a forceful manner, or as a large group). Two, that the Jews do not rebel against their enemies. Three, the nations of the world do not subjugate the Jews excessively. Therefore, Rabbi Zeira believed that individuals can move to Israel. Rav Yehuda understood from the words "do not awaken and do not stir up" that it includes both a group and individuals. Rabbi Zeira learned from there that there are an additional three oaths. What are they? Other statements are brought praising those who live in the land of Israel and also those who get buried there, although not as much as those who live there. Some of the rabbis praise those who live in Babylonia as compared to other places where there is little Torah and Rav Yehuda himself says that one who lives in Babylonia is considered like one who is living in Israel. The resurrection of the dead is limited to those living in Israel, other than righteous people who will get there through tunnels that will be created for this purpose. Rabbi Elazar held that amei haaretz will not be resurrected from the dead, only those who learn Torah. However Rabbi Yochanan was upset by this statement and Rabbi Elazar then explained that they could if they marry their daughters to a Torah scholar, do business dealings for Torah scholars, or help Torah scholars financially. A number of statements are brought telling of miraculous things that will happen in Israel in the future (when the dead are resurrected or in the World-to-Come). There are also a number of statements/stories about the miraculous nature of the fruits in Israel. These could be seen as exaggerated or perhaps meant to be understood symbolically.

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