Ketubot 112 - Siyum Masechet Ketubot - October 26, 1 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Click here for the Siyum Ceremony text   Siyum Masechet Ketubot is sponsored by Rhona Fink in honor of Rabbanit Michelle, the Hadran staff and all of the Hadran Daf Yomi learners. May we continue to go from strength to strength. Siyum Ketubot is sponsored for the refuah shleima of Keren Devorah bat Esther. A number of stories are told, relating to the large size of fruits in Israel, the large quantity and the excellent quality. The land of Israel is compared to a deer - in what way is it similar to a deer and in what way it is not? Rabbi Elazar makes reference to three curses from Yechezkel 13:9 and explains how he avoided these curses by doing certain actions. Other stories are told of rabbis who viewed Israel in high regard and took actions appropriately, such as taking action to get there in the quickest way possible, kissing the rocks, repairing stumbling blocks, and even making sure to move from the sun to shade or the shade to the sun so as to never have to say that they are uncomfortable in Israel. A brief statement of Rabbi Zeira mentions the destruction that will come before the Messiah comes. The Masechet ends with a statement of Rav Chiya bar Ashi in the name of Rav that in the future all the non-fruit bearing trees in Israel will bring forth fruits.

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