Ketubot 2 - July 8, 9 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Suri Stern in honor of Rabbanit Michelle Farber who rocked teaching this long and hard Masechet Yevamot and my sisters in Hadran Long Island who persevered through this difficult masechet w their usual humor. לכו מחיל אל חיל! Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Daf Yomi women of Hashmonaim to Phyllis, Gittel Pasha bat Masha Rachel for the continued refuah. "In addition to being a pillar of hesed and torah learning in our community, you have become so central in our daf learning, creating a whatsApp daf yomi group with daily posts and other related materials so we can access it all with the flick of a finger. You have left us with huge shoes to fill in your absence and are waiting for your return in good health and vigor, as we continue to daven daily for you. Ken Yihi Ratzon!" On what day do people get married and why? If the woman was a virgin, then on Wednesday and widows on Thursday. Why? The Mishna explains why virgins on Friday - since the courts meet on Thursday, they would marry on Wednesday so that if she was not actually a virgin, the husband can bring her to court the following morning to claim that she had lied about being a virgin, as the courts meet on Thursday. But as courts also met on Monday, why don't they marry also on Sunday? To answer the question, they add that they wanted to give the husband three days (from Shabbat) to prepare the meal for the wedding in order to provide a proper feast for his wife. As a result, if the date passes after which the husband was already supposed to marry the wife (generally a year after the betrothal), the man needs to already provide sustenance for the woman, but only beginning from Wednesday as based on the takana of the rabbis that people should get married on Wednesday. If there was some reason beyond his control that the wedding was delayed, he does not need to start paying for her sustenance. What if the wedding was delayed because of the woman - a reason beyond her control? What would be/not be considered beyond her control? Rava said that this issue of making a claim that there were circumstances beyond's one control (ones), does not apply for a divorce document, a get, that was given upon condition. From where does he learn this? The Gemara makes several attempts to bring a source, but in the end, they are unable to prove it from sources and they explain that Rava came to this conclusion using his own reasoning.

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