Ketubot 22 - July 28, 29 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is dedicated by Tova and David Kestenbaum in honor of the engagement of their son, Gilad, to Noa Goldrich, daughter of Adina (ob"m) and Rafi Goldrich of Chashmonaim. Today's daf is sponsored by Manes and Silvia Kogan in honor of their children, Daniela, Ilan and Abby. יהי רצון שה׳ ימלא משאלות לבם לטובה. A number of situations are raised where judges may testify about each other in which they are not believed or it may just look like there is some untruth. If a woman says she was married but divorced or she was taken into captivity but not raped by a gentile, in what circumstances is she believed/not believed? If there were witnesses that she was married/taken into captivity, she is not believed. But if she was already remarried, we allow her to stay married. What is the source for believing her in the case that there were no witnesses and since she is the one who forbade herself, we believe her when she says she is now permitted? If a woman said she was married and then said she is single, we do not believe her, unless she can provide us with a good reason as to why she said she was married, as in the case of a woman who was trying to avoid inappropriate suitors. There is a debate regarding a case where there is contradictory testimony about whether the husband died or divorced her – if she already remarried, can she stay remarried? Rabbi Yochanan distinguishes between the case of death and divorce – why? Three different explanations are brought.

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