Ketubot 24 - Shabbat July 30, 2 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Judy Schwartz in loving memory of her beloved mother-in-law Bernice R. Cohen Schwartz, רחל בילא בת ר' שלום חיים ודרייזע גנסה, who celebrated her 99th birthday this year and is being buried today in NY. "She loved learning; always wanted to study Talmud as a girl and wasn't allowed to. May her neshama have an aliyah." Today's daf is sponsored by Jane Shapiro in honor of Nina Black, her in-law and daf yomi friend. "May we be able to celebrate more Smachot together, including Siyum HaShas."

Visit the podcast's native language site