Ketubot 49 - August 24, 27 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Gitta and David Neufeld in loving memory of Harlene Appelman, Chaya bat Osna Rachel v’Shmuel, who passed away on August 18. "A tenacious warrior who overcame all challenges, Harlene lived her life with dignity, grace and love. She was a passionate advocate for Jewish education and identity. Not only was she our mentor, she was our beloved friend. May the Torah learning we all engage in be a zechut for her and her cherished family and community. יהי זכרה ברוך Today's daf is sponsored by Sara Berelowitz. “May our learning today be in memory of my beautiful Mom, קילא בת יהודה, who passed away 9 years ago on the 24th of Av. As the time passes, I miss her more and more.”

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