Ketubot 57 - September 1, 5 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Rami bar Hama's sister-in-law lost her ketuba. Rav Yosef wanted to let it go based on the rabbi's opinion who thought it was not a problem since anyway a ketuba is a stipulation of the court so she had a way to demand her ketuba money in the end. But Abaye quoted Rav Nachman saying that we hold like Rabbi Meir when he has a takana and he has held that one who stays with a woman without a ketuba is like one who engages in licentious behavior. Rav Dimi and Ravin each had a different tradition about a debate between Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi regarding at what stage do Rabbi Yosi and Rabbi Yehuda disagree about the ability of the woman to verbally forgo her ketuba. However, Rabbi Avahu has a different tradition that Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi don't disagree - they just used different terms to describe the same thing. Rav Papa accepts Rabbi Avahu's tradition, but points out a weakness regarding it and says that were it not for Rabbi Avahu's explanation, he would have preferred to say the debate was between Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi and Rav Dimi and Ravin said the same thing, just used different terms to describe the same thing. What is the amount of time given to the bride and groom to prepare for the wedding after the groom proposes marriage? Twelve months for a woman not previously married and thirty days for a woman previously married. Once that date is reached, the man is obligated to provide sustenance for the woman and if she is betrothed to a kohen, she can eat truma. Can he give her all her food from truma produce or only part, as some of the month she will be impure and cannot eat truma? What are the laws if the time period was split between a man and his yabam (in the event that he died)? The Mishna states that law regarding truma changed over time and now a woman can only eat truma after the chuppa. The twelve-month period derived from the verses about Rivka before she was taken to Yitzchak to be married. If the woman is a minor, she or her father can push off the marriage more than twelve months. Why? If the girl is a minor, the girl or the father can decided can decide not to get married even after the twelve months have past. Why would the father want to do that if the girl is willing to get married? Even though a father can betroth his daughter at a young age and marry her off, Rabbi Abba did not allow this until she is of age to be married. Rav Huna said that a woman who is a bogeret, only gets thirty days to prepare for the wedding. Three sources are brought against him - two are resolved but one is not. By Torah law, a woman betrothed to a kohen can eat truma but the rabbis forbade it. Two reasons are brought - either because her family may come to eat truma by accident, or because the husband may find blemish in the wife and will not in the end marry her. 

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