Ketubot 58 - September 2, 6 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Rochelle Cheifetz in loving memory of her husband, Leonard Cheifetz, Aryeh Leib ben Yehuda, z”l, on his 30th yahrzeit. "It is hard to believe it’s been so long. You are missed by all who had the privilege of knowing you."  Mazel tov to the Agus and Weiss families on the wedding of Talya and Gavi.  What are the different opinions regarding whether a kohen husband can give his soon-to-be-wife (once the twelve months have passed from the proposal) only truma, since there are times in the month when she will be impure and won't be able to eat truma. Abaye limits the debate between RAbbi Trafon and Rabbi Akiva in two ways. A few other opinions are brought from another tannaitic source. Why was the law changed regarding the right of the woman to eat truma after the twelve moth period has passed? The Mishna discusses whether or not a husband has the right to sanctify his wife's salary? Does he have the right to sanctify the money she makes that is beyond the basic designated salary amount (motar)? Rav holds that a woman can say to her husband, "I do not want you to give me food and I will keep my salary to myself." Can this be derived from the Mishna? Can it be inferred from Rabbi Meir's position in the Mishna that he holds that a person can sanctify/acquire something that is not yet in existence? 

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