Ketubot 59 - Shabbat September 3, 7 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Masechet Ketubot is sponsored by Erica and Rob Schwartz in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Erica's parents Sheira and Steve Schacter. "It is fitting that this milestone anniversary falls in the tractate of Ketubot, and the discussion of the marriage contract. Their marriage, which has been filled with love, respect, understanding, compassion, and of course lots of humor has been a blessing to watch and learn from. May they continue to enjoy many more years of a happy and healthy married life together until 120. Rav and Shmuel disagree with Rav Ada bar Ahava regarding the case in which Rabbi Meir is referring to when he says that when a man sanctifies his wife's earnings beyond her salary, it is effective. What is the root of the debate between them? Rabbi Yochanan the Sandlar says it is not effective. Shmuel holds like him. However, since Rabbi Yochanan's position is based on the assumption that one cannot sanctify items that are not yet in this world, how could Shmuel hold like him if he says elsewhere that one can sanctify things that are not in this world, as proven from a Mishna. The Gemara brings three possible resolutions - the first two are rejected. What are a wife's household responsibilities to her husband? The Mishna lists various things such as laundry, cooking, nursing their son, etc. If she brings in maidservants, what responsibilities can she be absolved of? Can she not work at all? Is it bad for her not to be working and sitting idly? Is it possible our Mishna disagrees with Beit Shamai who holds that a woman can vow to nurse her son? 

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