Ketubot 61 - September 5, 8 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Lisa Malik & Adi Wyner in honor of Sari & Mark Winick's anniversary. "We feel blessed to have met you during our sabbaticals in Israel & are thrilled that you came to Jerusalem for Rivkah & Charlie’s wedding this summer." What should be avoided during pregnancy or when conceiving? If there is a debate between the husband and wife about whether the woman should nurse the baby or hire a wet nurse, who do we side with? On what does it depend? If a woman has to do seven jobs for the household, why if she hires one maidservant, is she only exempted from three jobs? Why doesn't the maidservant do all seven? And furthermore, with two maidservants. What jobs does the woman need to do herself even if she has four maidservants? These are the same jobs that a woman cannot do for her husband when she is a nidda as they are considered intimate activities. The same Rabbi who brought that halacha also taught about making sure to give food to the waiter before the meal if they will cause him to crave the foods he is serving as cravings can be dangerous. Several stories are brought to stress the danger and seriousness of cravings. Can a husband make a vow to not have relations with his wife for a particular period of time? If so, for how long? What is the expectation of how often a husband needs to have relations with his wife, if she so wishes? There are different times depending on one's job. On what does it depend? A husband can leave home for thirty days to study Torah. how long can others go away for their work? 

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