Ketubot 62 - September 6, 10 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Jennifer Geretz in honor of Phyllis and Chaim Lauer Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel disagreed in the Mishnah regarding the maximum time a man can vow to not have relations with his wife. Rav and Shmuel disagree in their understanding of the dispute. According to the Mishna, students can go to study Torah for thirty days. Is it possible to go for a longer time with his wife's consent? If so, is there a limit? Who are the 'tayalim' mentioned in the Mishna that their requirement is every day, if their wife wishes? Are workers obligated once or twice a week? On what does it depend? Can a person change their job from one who is home less time but makes more money? What can we assume the wife would prefer?  All the amounts of time mentioned in the Mishna is R. Eliezer's opinion (including that a student can learn Torah for 30 days against the wishes of his wife) but the rabbis hold it is possible for two or three years. Raba says that many sages went with the opinion of the rabbis and paid for it with their souls. Several stories are told about rabbis who left their wives at home and went to study Torah for an extended period of time (some for a year/12 years) and when they did not return on time or returned without prior notice, they caused panic or the caused the death of the wife or himself. Stories are told about Rav Rahumi, Yehuda son of Rabbi Haya, Rabbi Hanina ben Hachinai and Rabbi Hama bar Bisa and others...

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