Ketubot 67 - September 11, 15 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Ketubot 67 Today's daf is sponsored by Debbie Schreiber in loving memory of Elliot Schreiber, her father-in-law, on his 1st yahrzeit. "He was my other father, personal rabbi & brilliant confidante. With semicha from Mercaz Harav he moved with the times & loved discussing halacha with my daughters as well as my sons. His opinion meant so much to me because he was fair, smart & never steered me wrong.  When my father was niftar he helped me more than he could imagine & I am forever grateful." Today's daf is dedicated for a refuah shleima for Devora Shulamit bat Yocheved Chana.  What was wrong with the way that Nakdimon ben Gurion fulfilled the mitzva of tzedaka? If a woman brings gold bricks into her dowry, at what value does she get them back? Rabbi Yochanan says at their exact value. However, a braita is brought to contradict. How is it resolved? How much is the minimum amount for a dowry? What about if it is being paid for by charity? Who gets taken care of first, a male or female orphan? Rabbi Yochanan ruled If an orphan needs tzedakah to get married, what do we provide him with? Tzedaka is given according to what the person was used to before they became poor. What is the best way to give tzedaka? How do you give tzedakah to someone who doesn’t want to take tzedaka? What do you do with someone who has money but wants to take tzedaka anyway? Several stories are brought highlighting these different issues.  

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