Ketubot 68 - September 12, 16 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Ellen Segal on behalf of her daughter, Dr. Chana Shacham-Rosby's birthday. "May you continue to go from strength to strength as you begin your fellowship at the Halpern Center at Bar Ilan."  Are you allowed to ignore one who needs charity? What if they are lying about their situation? Does a poor person need to trade in their expensive house and utensils for less expensive items before taking charity? On what does it depend? The Mishna and Gemara deal with orphan girls and their rights to a dowry. If at the time of the marriage, they are given a small dowry and they do not protest, can they later claim that they deserve more? On what does it depend? What is the standard amount that an orphan should get? Does it depend on the amount in the estate or does it depend on an assessment of what we think the father would have given her - was he generous or stingy? Is there an age limit on the orphan for being able to collect the dowry from the father's estate? In what way is the payment of food different from the payment for the dowry?

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