Ketubot 7 - July 13, 14 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Nina Black for the refuah shleimah of Devorah bat Layah. Today's daf is sponsored by David and Mitzi Geffen in loving memory of Azriel Geffen, Azriel ben Avraham z"l on his 69th yahrzeit. After having discussed the issue extensively, the Gemara brings the decision of various rabbis who either forbade or permitted having relations for the first time on Shabbat. Is there a reason to distinguish between Yom Tov and Shabbat? There are seven blessings recited at a wedding ceremony and at meals during the seven days of celebration. What are the differences if the bride or groom is a widow/er? The brachot require a kehilla, the presence of ten. From where is this derived? Two different verses are suggested by different rabbis. What does each one do with the other's verse? There is a debate whether the seven blessings are recited at the chuppah or at the betrothal. How does Abaye explain this debate? What is the betrothal blessing? Does it begin and end with a blessing (like Kiddush) or is it like a blessing on fruits or on a mitzva?

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