Ketubot 8 - July 14, 15 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored in loving memory of Rosalind Pineles, who passed away this week. "Rosalind loved family, Torah and Israel, was a champion of Chesed and the driving force behind women's Torah study in her community. Dearly missed and remembered." Today's daf is sponsored by Rina Baumel with gratitude to Rabbanit Michelle, Maggie, Mimi and the wonderful women of the Hadran community - my worldwide virtual chevruta. What is the actual nusach of the blessings of the wedding (sheva brachot)? How many blessings are there? There is a debate about whether two of them are to be combined or said separately - the ones relating to the creation of humans. Are there separate as man and woman were created separately or are they together as they were created as two partzufim - at once. How many days are these blessings and the special zimun recited? Under what circumstances? The blessings for the mourner and for the wedding require a quorum of ten. Does the mourner/groom count as part of the ten? What is the language of the blessings for the mourner? To whom are each of the blessings addressed? A story is told of Reish Lakish where we learn the origins of these blessings. The rabbis instituted ten cups of wine for mourners and then added another four. But since it got people drunk, they reverted back to how it was previously. What did Rabban Gamliel do regarding burial shrouds that on account of him, they added an extra cup of wine (before they reverted back to the original)?

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