Ketubot 89 - October 3, 8 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Rachael Bentley. " May you be blessed with a sweet, healthy New Year!" What happens when a woman wants to collect her ketuba but she only has a get (divorce document) in hand and no ketuba? Since the court determined that every woman is deserving of a ketuba, even if she doesn't have one, she can collect the ketuba with the get. What about the opposite case where she only has a ketuba and not a get? Because she doesn't have a get, we assume she already received the money and it was ripped up and therefore she is not believed, even if she claimed she lost it, if the husband claims he lost his receipt that he paid her. According to Rashbag, the halacha changed because of the danger from the gentiles and they would immediately tear up the get even without her collecting the ketuba. Is it possible to infer from the Mishna that it is necessary to write a receipt for the debtor in cases of a ketuba or loans? Rav and Shmuel say that we do not need to infer this from the Mishna and each explains the case in the Mishna differently and why we are not concerned that she will claim her ketuba money twice. Rav also changed his position and brought a different way of understanding things. Some questions are raised against the second position of Rav, but are answered.   

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