Ketubot 91 - Yom Kippur - October 5, 10 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Gitta and David Neufeld in loving memory of Marvin Stokar, Meir ben Aryeh Leib haLevi a"h. "Marvin was our honorary Zaidy, a role model in his love of Eretz Yisrael, Torah and our dear Bubby Fran. He was so proud of learning the Daf in Yerushalayim! May our learning be a zechut and source of nachat for his neshama." Is the braita that Rav Yosef quoted actually reflecting the same debate that Rabbi Akiva and Ben Nanas were arguing about – whether in a case where one wife died before the husband died and another after the husband died, can the sons of the first one collect their ketuba of male children? Several alternative explanations are brought for the debate in the braita. Mar Zutra brings a ruling on this issue and the Gemara explains why he needed to rule about two issues – why couldn’t we have inferred one from the other? To collect the ketuba of male children, there needs to be one dinar more than the ketubas that need collecting. The orphans cannot try to inflate the amount to try to collect their ketuba. What if the amount of the estate went up or down in value after the death and there was/was not an extra dinar? Two stories are brought related to inflation of the value of a property (not in a case regarding orphans) and there were those who wanted to rule from our Mishna that inflation of property is not allowed. However, others differentiated between the case at hand and the one in the Mishna.

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