Ketubot 93 - October 7, 12 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Ketubot 93 Today's daf is sponsored by Becki Goldstein in honor of her granddaughter Tamar's bat mitzvah (named after her mother), grandson Amitai's bar mitzvah (named after her nephew), and for the birth of her two new grandsons Shmuel and Avyatar Chayim. "I feel a great hakarat hatov for this month's blessings. To my Hadran Zoom family who is always there in good times and in trying times, may we all have many more smachot and good health this coming year inspired by our mentor, Rabannit Michelle ad 120. שוש אשיש בד' תגל נפשי באלוקי If a husband has several wives and the amount of their ketuba is not equal - one's was one hundred, one two hundred and one three hundred, and he does not have enough money in his estate, how is the money divided? The Mishna cites cases where the estate is one hundred, two hundred and three hundred and explains the division in each case. The amoraim had difficulty understanding the second case of the Mishna and brought two different explanations to understand, each one explaining that the Mishna is dealing with a particular case (ukimta). At the end of the Mishna, these cases are compared to cases where people invested money together but each invested a different amount - the profits are divided similarly. Shmuel said that the profits are divided equally. To what type of case was he referring? Rabba and Rav HaManuna agree on this issue. The Gemara brings a difficulty against Rabba from a braita and resolves the difficulty. Then they point out that the Mishna itself contradicts Shmuel and therefore interpret our Mishna in a different way to correspond to Shmuel. If a husband has several wives, and they have ketubas with different dates, the one with an earlier date gets paid first. But she had to swear to the woman who follows her before she can collect her ketuba.

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