Ketubot 94 - Shabbat October 8, 13 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Jordana Hyman in loving memory of Ruth Philips, Rut Michal Bat Sara Feige and Aryeh A"H, who would have celebrated her birthday today. "Ruth sparked my spiritual journey at age 15, and opened my heart and soul to Hashem and Torah. May our learning bring an aliyah to her soul." Ben Nanas and the rabbis disagree about whether the last wife needs to swear in order to get her ketuba money in the case of the Mishna on Keutbot 93b. Three options are brought to explain what the root of their debate is. If two siblings or partners have a disagreement in court with someone and one partner goes to court, can the other later claim that he/she wants to make their own claim for their half is it considered that one acted as the messenger of the other? Can the law be derived from our Mishna? On what may it depend? Rav and Shmuel disagree about a case where two people bring a document of sale of the same property with the same date – do we split it 50/50 or do the judges assess who it is more likely the rightful owner and give it to one of them? Is their debate linked to the debate in Masechet Gittin between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Elazar about whether the witnesses’ signatures on the get is the essential part of the get or is it the passing of the get to the wife? A contradiction is brought to Shmuel from a braita. How is it resolved? A case was brought with two brothers whose mother each gave them a document on the same day (one in the morning and the other in the afternoon) promising him all her possessions. The first one came to Rav Sheshet and he ruled in his favor. The second one came to Rav Nachman and he ruled in his favor. The conversation/argument that ensued between Rav Sheshet and Rav Nachman is brought, including the logic behind each position. How do we rule if one document has the month and the day of the month, and another document has the month but not the day of the month?

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