Ketubot 99 - October 13, 18 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Ketubot 99 Today's daf is sponsored by Elana Kermaier in loving memory of her father Moshe Fox, Moshe Yehuda ben Harav Binyamin and Chaya Tzipora, on his 5th yahrzeit, which was yesterday. "I sorely miss his humor and warmth and the special relationship he had with his grandchildren." The Gemara asks various questions regarding the laws of messengers who don't do exactly what they are asked to do, and tries to answer from our Mishna and other sources. But all attempts to answer are rejected. First question: If you ask a messenger to sell your land the size of a letech and instead the messenger sold a kor, double the area, is the sale of the land the size of the letech valid or void? Some explained that the question was the other way around - if they asked to sell a kor and instead the messenger sold a letech, is the sale void because maybe it hurts the owner that there will be two deeds on the land and not one? If someone sends a messenger to sell to one person (or they weren't specific at all as to how many people to sell to), can the messenger sell to more than one person?  

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