Megillah 15 - December 27, 23 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored in honor of our dear friend Debbie Gvir from her Hadran zoom family with prayers for a speedy recovery. We are in awe of her courageous and inspirational commitment to the daf through trials and tribulations. Today’s daf is sponsored by Jill Shames in honor of her 40th wedding anniversary and 25 years since making Aliyah! “As it is with learning, so it is with life: the things that elevate us the most may not be easy, but they are so worth it!” Today’s daf is sponsored by Rookie and Heshie Billet in memory of Rookie’s mother Phyllis Katz, Faiga bat David Yaakov a”h for her 11th yahrzeit. Mom was a courageous, charming, exciting, wise person and a lifelong learner. She would be so happy that more than a dozen of her descendants are learning Daf Yomi or studying Torah full time. Rachav had eight prophets who descended from her and they are listed by name. The Gemara asks from where do we know that the people listed were prophets? Who was the prophet Malachi – was he Mordechai or was he Ezra? There were four very beautiful women – who were they? What was the interaction between Mordechai and Esther through Hatach after the decree was issued against the Jews? There are several statements made by Rabbi Elazar in the name of Rabbi Chanina – the first one about Esther and the others about all sorts of topics. Why did Mordechai upset Haman so much – after all, he was only one person? What happened to Esther on her way into Achashverosh when she passed in the room with the idols? When she walked into Achashverosh’s room, angels appeared to help her to find favor in his eyes and helped stretch the scepter in order to reach her. How far did they stretch the scepter? Why did Esther invite Haman to the party she made for Achashverosh? A long list of answers are brought. How many sons did Haman have? Why on that night was Achashverosh not able to sleep?

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