Megillah 2 - December 14, 10 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Megillah 2 This month's learning is sponsored by Jordana and Kalman Schoor on behalf of their daughter Daria Esther who is completing Masechet Megilla in honor of her Bat Mitzva this month. "Daria attended the Hadran siyum and there is no doubt that her attendance inspired her to learn each chapter with a different family member and begin her journey into the world of Gemara learning." Mazal tov!  Today’s daf is sponsored by Jessica Shklar on behalf of her sister, Ruth Leah Kahan’s birthday “Happy Birthday to a Hadran stalwart, Ruth Leah Kahan, from her sister Jessica, who loves sharing daf yomi with you from across the ocean.” Today's daf is sponsored by Sharon Russ and family, in loving memory of her father, David ben Avraham and Naomi, on his fourth yahrzeit. "May his memory be a blessing and his Neshama have an Aliya.” On what days is it possible to read the Megillah? On what does it depend? Why is the law different for those who live in villages and why are they allowed to read it earlier than the dates specified in the Megillah? Where in the Megillah can one find an allusion to this? Is there an opinion that one is not allowed to read the Megillah before the 14th? From where do we know that walled cities read on the 15th and is it walled cities from the time of Yehoshua or from the time of Achashvarosh and the Purim story? 

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