Megillah 30 - January 11, 9 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Megillah 30 Today’s daf is sponsored by the Hadran zoom group in honor of Becki Goldstein’s grandson, Amitai. “Amitai finished Shas Mishnayot this week. As Becki wrote: "To fill the void felt in Bavel after the destruction of the Temple they found comfort in their mikdash me'at - batei knessiot u'batei midrashot. And we, her Hadran Zoom family, take joy in seeing the comfort and pride passed on." What is done if Parshat Shekalim falls out on the Parsha of Tetzave, which ends just before the beginning of Ki Tisa, which is the reading for Shekalim according to Shmuel? Abaye and Rabbi Yitzchak Nafcha each have different solutions and questions are raised and support texts are brought. If Rosh Chodesh Adar falls on Friday, Rav and Shmuel debate whether or not we read Parshat Shekalim on the preceding Shabbat or the following Shabbat. Texts are brought to question/prove the different opinions. They have a similar debate regarding Parshat Zachor when Purim falls on Friday. What is the root of their debate? What weeks are the other parshiot read? What is read each of the four weeks? Were the parshiot read instead of the weekly Torah portion or only instead of the maftir and haftorah? What Torah portion is read on each of the holidays?

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