Megillah 32 - January 13, 11 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Siyum Masechet Megillah is sponsored by Sharon Goldberg in loving memory of her father, Yechezkel ben Yerachmiel, on the occasion of his yahrzeit on the 11th of Shevat. “He was a kind and gentle man, a devoted son and brother, and a wonderful father and grandfather. Yehi zichro baruch.” Siyum Masechet Megilah is sponsored by Rina and Tzachi Goldberg in loving memory of Chaim Schalom Ben Aharon Mendel Kurz on his 46th yahrzeit on the 26th of Shvat, and to Penina Bat Yechezkel Goldberg on her 13th yahrzeit on the 21st of Adar. "She shares a yahrzeit with her ancestor, the Noam Elimelech." Siyum Masechet Megillah is sponsored by Sharon Russ and family in memory of her mother, Sima bat Estreya, who just had her Shloshim. “My mother was taken from us suddenly and tragically. She was born in the Old City of Jerusalem, in 1942. She faced many challenges in her life, including her visual disability from birth, and persevered with profound faith, strength, and determination. Although she wasn't given the opportunity to study past 8thgrade, she was extremely wise, and all gravitated to her to get advice, love and support. She was totally devoted to her family, giving unconditional love (tough love if necessary. As kids we called her the drill sergeant). She was adventurous and full of life and spread joy and happiness to all. She touched the lives of so many and will be sorely missed. May her neshama have an aliya.” Today's learning is sponsored by Emma and Richard Rinberg for a refuah shleima for their beloved daughter Rachel, Rachel Ophira bat Nechama Leah Esther.  What do you do to the Torah before and during the recitation of the blessings over the Torah? Does the Torah need to be covered during the blessing? If so, why? Who is chosen to be the one to roll the Torah? Is it considered a bigger honor than reading from the Torah? Can one rely on a voice one hears to help make a decision?  What are two possible interpretations of a verse in Ezekiel 20:25 that God has given us "statutes that are not good and judgments whereby they shall not live"?  From where do we learn that on each holiday a portion relating to that day should be read? The Gemara brings a braita that stresses the importance of learning on each holiday the laws connected with that holiday. Download the text for the Siyum Masechet Megillah Ceremony.

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