Megillah 5 - December 17, 13 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Megillah 5 Today’s daf is sponsored by Naomi and Adam Ferziger in honor of the engagement of their daughter Avital (a former student of Michelle’s) to Sefi Becker. Mazal tov!  Is it necessary to have ten people when reading the Megillah? Does it matter if it is read on time or not? What counts as a big city for determining the date for reading the Megillah? In the cases where the date of reading the Megillah is changed, it is only pushed earlier but  other things such as Tisha B'Av which falls on Shabbat, and the chagiga sacrifice and Hakhel that fall on Shabbat get pushed offs. Why? Is it forbidden to work on Purim? Does it just depend on the custom of the place where one lives? Is Tiberias considered a walled city from the days of Joshua or not? What is the unique issue of Tiberias?

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