Megillah 8 - December 20, 16 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Megillah 8 Today’s daf is sponsored by Yehudit Cohen in loving memory of Yitzchak Eitan ben Yehudit Shulamit.  The only difference between the one who vows not to benefit from another and one who vows not to benefit from one's food is walking within the other's territory and borrowing vessels that are not used for food preparation. Is walking through someone else's property considered a benefit, even if it doesn't bother the owner? The difference between vows of a neder and vows of a nedava and alms is in the matter of responsibility - if an animal is dead, stolen, or lost - does the one who made the vow need to bring another animal. A neder is when one says "I accept upon myself" and a nedava is when one says, "This animal will be brought." The differences between a zav who sees two discharges and a zav who sees three discharges are in the matter of bringing a sacrifice, but for other things - level of impurity and counting seven clean ones - both are the same. How does one learn these laws from the verses on the Torah in Vayikra chapter 15? The only difference between a quarantined leper (metzora musgar) who was determined not to be a leper and an absolute leper (metzora muchlat, who was determined to have leprosy) is that the musgar does not have to let his hair grow long or tear his clothes. As for the process of purification, only the muchlat needs to shave all his hair and bring the birds. From where in the verses are there laws derived?

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