Moed Katan 10 - Shabbat January 22, 20 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures In what ways is one allowed to sew on chol hamoed? What is the difference between how a regular person can sew and an expert? What is the test for determining if one is an expert? What actions regarding putting a bed together are permitted according to the different opinions? There are two opinions in the Mishna and the Gemara brings two different ways of understanding the two different opinions. Three questions are raised on one of the explanations. One can set up an oven or millstone on chol hamoed. Rabbi Yehuda does not permit “mechabshin” the millstone from the start – what is that? Two interpretations are brought. There is a debate about whether or not it is permitted and in what situation? And in which case is it not permitted? A number of other actions are raised by amoraim regarding actions that are permitted/forbidden on chol hamoed – some regarding dealing with animals, millstones, and building benches, troughs and other things. Rava lists a whole bunch of actions that can be permitted or forbidden depending on for what purpose it is done. One cannot do business transactions on chol hamoed unless there is a loss incurred. The Gemara brings two stories – one of someone who waited until after the holiday to sell something and was rewarded by selling for double the price and another who didn’t wait as there was a potential financial loss.  

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