Moed Katan 15 - January 27, 25 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Today’s daf is sponsored by Terri Krivosha and Rabbi Hayim Herring in honor of the birth of their granddaughter Orly Nessa, named after Terri's father Nahum Meir. “May she bring light to the world as her Saba Raba did.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Catriella Freedman in loving memory of her father, Zvi Stein, on his 3rd Yahrzeit on Shabbat. “You taught us (in Yiddish) that you can't dance at every wedding, so learning אין מעברין שמחה לשמחה took on special meaning: be present and approach each moment with gratitude and joy.” Today's daf is sponsored by the Tannenbaum family in loving memory of בריינא ברכה בת אריה יעקב ורינה Bryna Greenberg, a dear friend to so many, a model of a אהבת התורה, a young woman who was plucked away from us a few days ago at too young of an age. The juxtaposition of simcha & aveilut in Moed Katan feels particularly poignant at this time. May our learning be a zechut & aliyah for her neshama. Yehi Zichra Baruch.  The Gemara does through 13 different issues and tries to determine whether they are forbidden/relevant for a mourner, one who excommunicated and a leper. Issues such as laundry, work, readning one's garment, learning Torah, sexual relations, shoes, etc. Answers are brought from the Tanach or tannitic sources.

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