Moed Katan 23 - February 4, 3 Adar 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Moed Katan 23 Today's daf is dedicated by Debbie Gevir and her husband Yossi, in memory of Shimon ben Feiga Rayzel and Chaim Aryeh who passed away just as last Shabbat ended. “My uncle Shimmy was brilliant and talented with a strong love for Judaism, classical music, boating...and a great zest for life. He chose a different path than his orthodox family, becoming a prominent Reform Rabbi. He and his wife Judy -שתיבדל לחיים ארוכים always remained ever so respectful loving and close to his parents, sister- my mother, and to us. I already miss you, Uncle Shimmy and will always treasure the time we spent together throughout my life.”  Today's daf is sponsored by Amy Goldstein in loving memory of her father, Melvyn Sydney Goldstein, on his 2nd yahrzeit. “We miss him. He was taken from us too swiftly. May his neshama have an aliyah.” What are the rules of mourning for the community when a nasi dies? When a mourner finishes shiva, what are the stages one goes through week by week gradually getting life back to normal? How long after one’s wife dies can one remarry? On what does it depend? One doesn’t wear ironed clothes during shloshim. What clothes are included/not included in this prohibition? There is a debate about whether private mourning practices can be observed on Shabbat. How does each one prove his opinion from the wording of the Mishna? Is this debate between Amoraim also a tannaitic debate between the rabbis and Rabban Gamliel?

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