Moed Katan 25 - February 6, 5 Adar I

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Moed Katan 25 The Mishna establishes that only family members tear kriya, remove their shirt off their shoulder and partake in the meal immediately following the burial called the seudat havraa. Some explain this Mishna is referring to one who died on chol hamoed. The Gemara raises a number of questions from cases where others tear kriya and as well as keep other mourning practices, such as when a chacham dies or an upright person or one who is present when the person dies. Several stories are brought of the death of rabbis and the reactions of others to their death. When Rav Safra died, the sages did not tear kriya, however Abaye rebuked them. When Rav Huna died and Rav Chisda died, they wanted to put a sefer Torah on the bier, but it was deemed inappropriate. Rav Huna's bier was too wide to fit through the door - what options did they have and which did they choose? Rav Huna's body was brought to Israel and only some rabbis went out after his coffin - why? When Rav Chaga went to bury him next to Rabbi Chiya, a strange incident happened. Several other stories are brought of incidents or strange events in nature that occurred when certain rabbis died or eulogies that were recited for them.

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