Moed Katan 26 - February 7, 6 Adar 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Moed Katan 26 Today’s daf is sponsored by Erica Kolatch in loving memory of her mother’s 6th yahrzeit, the Honorable Constance Glube, Chaya Rachel bat Shmuel z"l. “In later years she downplayed her brilliant career, but always lived by Tzedek Tzedek Tirdoff.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Gitta and David Neufeld for the refuah shleima of Rachel bat Golda Mariam. For what relationships/situations does one tear kriya and is not allowed to properly fix it after? What is the source that one needs to rend one's garment in each situation? If one has more than one situation that requires rending one's garments, in what cases can one add to a tear that is already there and in what cases does one have to make a new tear in a different place? What is the requisite amount for the tear and for the added tear? It is a subject of debate whether one is allowed to add onto a tear torn over the loss of one's parent. If one keeps adding to a tear, how far can one go before needing to start a new tear in a different place? Can one only add to the tear after the shiva or after the shloshim? This too is a subject of debate. What is the root of the debate? If one borrows clothes and their relative dies, under what circumstances can they rend their friend's garments? If one is sick, we do not tell them of the death of a close relative as it may negatively affect their health. A few other laws regarding rending garments, mourning practices and the seudat havraa are brought.  

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