Moed Katan 3 - Shabbat January 15, 13 Shvat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Today’s daf is sponsored by Adam Plunka in loving memory of his grandfather, Harry Reuben Plunka, Yerachmiel Herschel Ben Yisrael, father of Stanley Plunka. Today’s daf is sponsored by Erica Kolatch in loving memory of her father Richard Glube, Hillel ben Yosef Calman on his 25th yahrzeit. “Learning the daf exemplifies my father's maxim, always try something new that interests you, it may lead to a lifelong love.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Terri Krivosha and Rabbi Hayim Herring in loving memory of Terri’s father, Judge Norman Krivosha, Nahum Mayer Ben Malka and Dovid on his first yahrtzeit. “Our dad was a lifelong learner and jurist who loved nothing better than a well-reasoned argument.” How is watering allowed on the shmita year in a case of a financial loss if it is a subcategory of planting or plowing? Abaye holds the Mishna is according to Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi who holds that shmita is only by rabbinic law nowadays. Rava's answer is that sub-categories are not forbidden by Torah law. Are they really not? What about a braita that derives many sub-categories from a verse in the Torah? Is plowing forbidden by Torah law and one would then receive lashes? Or not? Why would plowing be different than planting? Rav Dimi made a statement about an "addition" being possibly forbidden but the rabbis exempted. To what was he referring? Two possibilities are brought. Either he was referring to plowing on the shmita year or to tosefet shmita. From where is tosefet shmita derived? From when does it begin? And what changes were made to this law throughout the generations? 

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