Nazir 10 - February 2, 11 Shevat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 10 Today’s daf is sponsored by Tina Lamm in memory of her grandfather, Gershon Katz, Gershon ben Yochanan HaCohen v’Chaya Toba, whose yahrzeit is today. If someone said, "My cow/door said I am a nazir if I stand up/open," Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel disagree about whether the person becomes a nazir by this declaration. Rabbi Yehuda says, as in the previous Mishna, Beit Shamai meant this only if they explained it as referring to being a sacrifice and it then will be forbidden like a vow and not as a nazir. The Gemara questions how we can be discussing a talking cow/door? Rami bar Hama and Rava each bring explanations for the Mishna. Rava rejects Rami bar Hama's explanation as it doesn't match the wording of the Mishna. Rava's explanation is also rejected, but he tries another two attempts to explain it until he finds an explanation that is not rejected.

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