Nazir 17 - February 9, 18 Shevat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 17 Today's daf is dedicated for a refuah shleima for Benaya Chaim ben Avital Ora who is undergoing surgery this morning. After raising several sources against Reish Lakish's opinion, and particularly one that couldn't be resolved, Mar son of Rav Ashi reinterprets the debate between him and Rabbi Yochanan. They both hold that a person who takes upon being a nazir in a cemetery is considered a nazir immediately but there is a debate whether or not they receive lashes if they are warned and do not leave the cemetery right away. The same sources as before are brought as difficulties against Reish Lakish's position. Two are resolved and the third is not. If one vows to be a nazir in the cemetery, Rava asks if there is a certain amount of time that must pass before leaving in order to incur a punishment of lashes (as is the case of one who became impure in the Temple) or is one liable as soon as one does not leave immediately? Rav Ashi asked of one who takes on to be a nazir in a cemetery, do they shave their hair when they finish the seven days of impurity? Two of the sources used against Reish Lakish are brought to try to answer the question but both are rejected. A third source comparing a nazir who became impure and a nazir who became a leper is brought also to answer the question. But, it too is rejected.

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