Nazir 25 - February 17, 26 Shevat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Esther Chazon in memory of her mother, Dorothy Sobel Glickler on her 12th yahrzeit. “Mom loved studying Torah and doing chesed, she encouraged us to follow that path.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Elisheva Gray in memory of her dear teacher and friend Gidi Nahshon, Yoel Melech ben Moshe v'Sarah, z''l on his eighth yahrzeit. “Gidi's family made Aliyah from Prague. He had a deep love for Israel and for Jewish texts and traditions. He was a wonderful teacher and caring friend. I have no doubt he would be pleased to see that I found my way to Hadran, am learning daf yomi and am still in the hands of an excellent teacher.” How can unspecified funds designated for sacrifices for a nazir who no longer needed them (such as a woman whose husband nullified her vow) be used to buy voluntary offerings? Isn't their money in there designated to a sin offering which should be thrown in the Dead Sea and should not be able to be used at all. Rabbi Yochanan says this is a unique halacha (halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai) that was passed down regarding a nazir. Reish Lakish holds that is it derived from a verse in Vayikra 22:18 that vows can be turned into voluntary burnt offerings. If it is derived from the verse, why is it only unspecified funds and not specified? The reason given is because Rabbi Yishmael already taught in a braita from verses in Devarim 12:26-27 that sin offerings cannot be turned into burnt offerings and that must be referring to specified funds. After answering the question, the Gemara raises three questions on sections of the braita and explains them.       

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