Nazir 26 - Shabbat February 18, 27 Shevat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Catriella Freedman in memory of her father, Zvi Stein, Zvi ben Harav Mordechai David, on his 3rd yahrzeit. “There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you, your warmth, your humor and smile, your optimism." Today’s daf is sponsored by Carol Robinson and Art Gould in memory of Art’s father Joseph, Yosef ben Shlomo Shabtai v’Rachel z”l. Today is his 24nd yahrzeit. “Joe was an ordinary man of extraordinary dignity, decency and dedication. After WWII he worked for the INS welcoming immigrants to membership in America. I miss him and wish we had had more time together.”   Rabbi Yochanan had said that the law regarding unspecified funds can be used for voluntary offerings (if the person is no longer obligated in the sacrifice) even though there is money for a sin offering mixed in, is a unique halakha for a nazir. However, this seems to be true in other cases as well. How can Rabbi Yochanan's statement be explained? Rav Ashi defines (two different version of his definition) what is considered specified/unspecified. Rava explains that this law of unspecified being used for voluntary offerings is only true if the sin offering money is still mixed in and a braita is brought to support his claim. A number of rabbis bring statements that the unspecified law is only true for money and not other things such as animals, a block of silver, and a pile of beams. There is a debate about exactly which ones are excluded from this law. Rav Shimi bar Ashi raises a question on this list of exceptions as he brings Rav Chisda who holds that birds can remain unspecified.

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