Nazir 28 - February 20, 29 Shevat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 28 Today’s daf is sponsored by Carol Robinson and Arthur Gould in memory of Carol’s mother, Irma Robinson, Hudda Bat Moshe, z”l. Today is her 8th yahrtzeit. “Irma moved from New Haven to Chicago to marry Lou and build a rich life there including lifelong friends, work she loved at a nearby high school library, and active participation in her synagogue. She lived with Alzheimer’s for seven years with dignity and strength and never forgot Carol or her sister. She would be proud of Carol studying daf yomi.” Rava brings a long braita to raise a difficulty with Rav Nachman who differentiated between blemished and unblemished animals - if so, the braita should have mentioned that as well. The Gemara answers the question in the same way they answered Rav Hamnuna's question that preceded Rava's question. There is a debate between three - tanna kama, Rabbi Akiva and Rebbi (or Rabbi Meir). The Gemara even brings a fourth opinion. Is it until the blood is sprinkled, as that permits the woman to drink wine and therefore the husband can no longer claim that it is in the category of vows he can nullify? Or is it until the animal is slaughtered as it will cause the animal to be left to burn and we don't like to destroy sanctified items? Or is it until she shaves as he can claim shaving her head will be disgusting and therefore it is in the category of vows he can nullify? Or is it until shaving for a different reason as the shaving permits her to drink wine, not the sacrifices? A question is asked about destroying the sacrifice as sacrifices slaughtered for the wrong reason can be brought on the altar? It is resolved by saying they were referring to the sin offering which cannot be offered. The debate about shaving her hair being disgusting to her husband is based on a debate about how one perceives wearing a wig - is that a good alternative or not? A father can make his son into a nazir but a mother cannot. Why? What happens when a father makes his son a nazir and the son or relatives protest? What happens to money or animals that were already set aside for the sacrifice? 

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