Nazir 3 - January 26, 4 Shevat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 3 Today’s daf is dedicated to Rebecca Eisen and Joshua Adler on the birth of their first child, a daughter, Maya Sari Adler, born on Thursday, January 12, 2023 in Toronto. “May she grow up connected to Torah, Israel, and her Jewish identity. Mazel tov!”  Today’s daf is dedicated for the refuah shleima of Hannah bat Peninah from her children and grandchildren. There are various phrases listed in the Mishna that can be used to become a nazir. The Gemara questions each one of them, suggesting that perhaps they could mean something else entirely. Shmuel responds to most of the questions by explaining that each case is a statement combined with an action - either a nazir walked by at exactly that moment or the person was holding their hair as they said it. Whoever says, "I will accept upon myself birds," there is a dispute between Rabbi Meir and the rabbis as to whether this is an acceptance of being a nazir or not. Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish disagree about the reasoning behind each position. To Reish Lakish, it is a dispute as to whether a person says something, can we assume it is referring to a word that is juxtaposed to that word in a verse. Birds appear in a verse in Daniel next to the growth of hair, perhaps he meant growth of hair mentioned in that verse and meant I will grow my hair to be a nazir. Rabbi Yochanan thinks that the debate is – is this statement referring to the bird offering in the event that the person will be a nazir and will become impure and will become obligated to bring a bird sacrifice. One who takes upon to be a nazir by saying that one is taking upon only one of the prohibitions of nazir, Rabbi Shimon and the rabbis disagree about whether that person is considered a nazir (and then would be forbidden for all nazirite prohibitions) or is one not a nazir at all. What is the proof of each side for his position?

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