Nazir 35 - February 27, 6 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 35 This week’s learning is sponsored by Hilary & Eric Rothman in memory of Dr. Simra Shein, z”l, Simcha Ezra Ben Noach. “A beloved husband, father and grandfather, an accomplished surgeon and a highly respected gentleman. He loved his family, learning Torah and helping people.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Risa Tzohar in loving memory of her daughter Esther Deena Harari z”l. Today's daf is dedicated in memory of Hillel and Yagel Yaniv. Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria used the words "seeds to skin" for his own halacha so how does he learn about rules of prat, klal and prat that are derived from there? Either he holds only by ribui and miut or perhaps he can learn two things from that verse. From where would Rabbi Eliezer learn prat, klal and prat? Three other examples are suggested. An example is brought of klal, prat and klal. Then several questions are asked comparing the different methods of extrapolation.   

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