Nazir 47 - Shabbat March 11, 18 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Bracha Stuart in loving memory of her brother Aryeh Leib ben Simcha HaKohen on his second yahrtzeit. “I miss you every day. May your neshama have an Aliyah on this day and also in the merit of my learning the daf with this holy Hadrian community.” What happens when someone becomes impure after the blood of one of the sacrifices is sprinkled? Rabbi Eliezer and the rabbis disagree about whether the sacrifice needs to be brought again with the rest of the sacrifices after the nazir becomes pure or does that sacrifice count and after the purification process, the nazir only brings the rest of the sacrifices. The rabbis try to prove their opinion from the case of Miriam from Tarmod who was a nazir who became impure at that stage. A nazir and a kohen gadol are not allowed to become impure to anyone who died, unless it is a met mitzva, one who there is no one to bury them. If a nazir and a kohen gadol were walking together and there was a met mitzva, which of them should become impure? Rabbi Eliezer and the rabbis disagree. What is the reason for each opinion? The Gemara brings a hierarchy of kohanim gedolim and other high-ranking kohanim and asks who proceeds who in terms of impurity. When it comes to a kohen who goes out to war and a kohen who is in standby to be the kohen gadol, the higher one is the standby one. But this contradicts a different sugya where there is a need to save them and only one can be saved, it is the one who goes out to war who precedes the standby.  Why is there a difference in the ruling in the two cases? 

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