Nazir 52 - March 16, 23 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 52 Today’s daf is sponsored by Mark and Rena Septee Goldstein in memory of Moe Septee. “A wonderful man, on the occasion of his 26th yahrzeit.” The entire Hadran zoom family is devastated by the loss of our dear friend and chevruta, Carol Robinson Gould. Her gentle and warm presence was a perfect start to our day. We already miss her. With love and comfort to Art and to the whole family. Rava asked: if an ant is missing a leg, is it still considered a complete creature that would render one liable for eating it, even if it is not the size of an olive? An attempt is made to answer the question from laws regarding the minimum size for impurity of a chomet, one of the eight creatures considered shratzim in the Torah. However, the comparison is rejected. The Mishna stated that bones from the spinal column and of the skull disqualify a nazir due to impurity. Does the Mishna mean both of them or either one of them? Four tannaitic sources are brought to answer the question but all are deemed inconclusive. Rami bar Hama asked: Is one stricter with the spinal cord or skull that if one has a quarter kav of bones from them, does the nazir need to shave on account of them, as opposed to other bones where a half kav is needed? The first answer is brought by Rava who proves from our Mishna that the answer is no.

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