Nazir 54 - Shabbat March 18, 25 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Regarding a limb from a dead or live body without enough flesh, that Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish disagree about, how large is it? The Gemara proves how Reish Lakish thinks the nazir shaves even if it is less than the size of a barley and it is a uniquely derived halacha from a drasha on a verse. When the Mishna says that one begins the count from the beginning, it in unclear whether they mean on day seven of purification or day eight. The Gemara derives from the language of the next Mishna that in this Mishna, the count begins on the eighth day after the sacrifices are brought, in accordance with the opinion of the rabbis, against Rabbi Eliezer. The Mishna now lists all the cases that the nazir doesn't shave and within that, there are two categories - one where the days aren't counted as nazirite days, even though the days beforehand aren't cancelled and a second where it has no effect on the counting of the nazirite days. The Gemara begins to define the cases in the Mishna - what are sechachot and praot? One of the items on the list is one who goes outside of Israel and the rabbis deemed all territory outside of Israel impure. Can we learn from our Mishna the answer to the following question - did the rabbis deem it impure for concerns of graves (gusha) or was it a deterrent to prevent people from leaving Israel (avira)? This attempt is rejected. 

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