Nazir 55 - March 19, 26 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 55 Today's daf is sponsored by Rochelle Cheifetz to commemorate the yartzeit of her aunt, Rose Rubelow, Rochel Leah bat Rav Moshe and Tzippora Mashbaum. Yehi zichra baruch.  There is a tannaitic debate regarding one who enters a place outside of Israel in a box. Is the debate based on whether the impurity outside of Israel instituted by the rabbis was regarding the earth (concern for graves or bones of Jewish bodies) or regarding the air (preventative measure so people don't leave Israel)? The Gemara rejects this suggestion and brings three other possible explanations of the debate, the first of which is rejected. The Mishna stated that if a nazir became a leper, the leper days don't count as days of nazir, but don't cancel the previous days. Rav Chisda explains that this is only true if one was a nazir for a short time (30 days), but if one took on a long period of being a nazir, the days when the nazir was a leper count toward the days of being a nazir. Rav Shrevia shows that the Mishna doesn't fit with Rav Chisda's statement as the Mishna says the leper days don't count as days of nazir, but don't cancel the previous days and according to Rav Chisda, there is no case where those two things will hold true: if one was a nazir for thirty days, the previous days would be canceled as one would need a full thirty days of hair growth after the shaving of the nazir, and if one was a nazir for longer than thirty days, Rav Chisda would say the days of being a leper count as nazir days. The Gemara answers that there is a case that can fit with the Mishna - in a case of a fifty-day term where twenty days were finished before the nazir became a leper as the days of being a leper wouldn't count as one would need a full thirty days of hair growth after shaving on account of being a leper and none of the previous twenty days would need to be canceled as there will be a thirty-day growth.

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