Nazir 58 - March 22, 29 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 58 The Gemara brings two different braitot that each derive something different from the word 'and his head' that the leper is commanded to shave. One learns that the commandment of a leper to shave overrides the prohibition of shaving off one's sidelocks. The other learns that it refers to a leper who is a  nazir and even though a nazir is commanded by both a negative and positive commandment not to shave their hair, if they have leprosy, they can. The positive commandment here overrides both a negative and a positive commandment. It is suggested first that the dispute between the braitot is about whether the prohibition against cutting off sidelocks also applies in a case where one is cutting off all of his hair. Rava rejects this possibility and suggests that both agree that removing the sidelocks is only forbidden when one is not removing all the hair. But then they find it difficult to understand the first drasha and reject it and say they agree that removing all the hair is also forbidden. From here and on the basis of this understanding, the Gemara asks three questions about each braita and answers them all. Can a man shave hairs elsewhere on the body? Is there a prohibition in this based on the verse that forbids a man to wear women's clothing? Is this a prohibition by Torah or by rabbinic law?

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