Nazir 59 - Rosh Chodesh Nissan - March 23, 1 Nissan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 59 Today’s daf is sponsored by Rochie Sommer in honor of Meryl Sasnovitz. "Happy gold plus silver birthday to Mama, Savti, and Savti Raba extraordinaire." Today's daf is sponsored by Elisheva Gray. "With much gratitude and appreciation to Rabbanit Michelle, Rabbanit Leah Sarna and Maggie Sandler for the two wonderful supplementary courses these last weeks. It was all wonderful learning, each course in its own way. And if the stam is the connector of the Talmud, Maggie is the great Hadran connector, bringing all of the threads and all of us together and doing so much behind the scenes. Todah rabah to you all, and Chodesh Tov!" What is included in the prohibition for a man not to wear things that a woman wears and for a woman not to wear things that a man wears? There are different opinions on this topic - does it forbid men from removing armpit and pubic hairs? Does it forbid women from carrying weapons? If there were two nezirim and one became impure and we do not know which one and then one of them died, how does the other resolve their situation of doubt? Rabbi Yehoshua suggests recruiting a friend to be a nazir alongside them for two thirty days periods in order to allow the sacrifices to be brought upon condition. But Ben Zoma thinks that this is absurd as how will someone find a person willing to do this? Ben Zoma suggests an alternative way to do this and in the end, Rabbi Yehoshua concedes. A nazir regarding whom there is a doubt whether the nazir became impure to a dead body and became a leper, needs to keep 120 days of nezirut and after each thirty-day interval, shaves for each of the issues - two for being a leper and then two for nezirut (first impurity, then purity).     

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