Nazir 6 - January 29, 7 Shevat

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nazir 6 Today’s daf is sponsored by Blima Slutzky in memory of her mother, Mazal (Tina) bat Rina and David. Today’s daf is dedicated in memory of those murdered in the terrorist attack on Friday night in Neve Yaakov and for a refuah shleima to those injured there and from the attack in Ir David. Five Mishnayot from the third chapter of Nazir are brought to raise a question against Bar Pada's opinions (that a stam nezirut is twenty-nine days). Three of those were already brought on the previous page. There are all resolved, and some as they are resolved are thrown back to question Rav Matna's opinion. A further question is raised to explain Rabbi Eliezer's position regarding a nazir who became impure on the last day of nezirut. The Gemara suggests that the debate between Rav Matna and Bar Pada is based on a tannatic debate between Rabbi Yoshiya and Rabbi Yonatan. However, this suggestion is rejected. 

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