Nedarim 10 - November 4, 10 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Sara Berelowitz in loving memory of her father, Tzvi Ben Moshe on his 14th yahrzeit.  Today's daf is sponsored by Risa Tzohar in loving memory of her grandmother, Rose Schwartz Wittels. The Gemara interprets the Mishna that distinguished between neder and nedava according to Rabbi Yehuda's opinion and explains why he distinguishes between them. In the process, they brought a braita with Rabbi Yehuda's opinion which spoke about the early pious people who took on being a nazir in order to be able to bring a sin offering. In this braita, Rabbi Shimon's opinion is presented. He disagrees and explains that every nazir is considered a sinner. Abaye cites three people (Shimon the Tzadik in his story on Nedarim 9b, Rabbi Shimon, and Rabbi Elazar the Kapar) who viewed nazirs as sinners. What is the sin of being a nazir, according to them, and from which verse in the Torah did they derive this? The Mishna lists what words are kinui of vows, cherem, nazir and oaths. Regarding a kinui, Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish disagree - is it the language of the gentiles or the language of the sages that was made up for us to use? According to Reish Lakish, why would the rabbis make up words to use in place of the actual words? It was to avoid using God's name in vain. Is their dispute the same as the dispute between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel regarding a kinui of a kinui? Some examples of a kinui of a kinui are brought? The Mishna says that using the language of something that is forbidden or related to sacrifices would be a valid language of a vow.  

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