Nedarim 12 - November 6, 12 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 12 This week's learning is sponsored by Dahlia Farber-Zohar in honor and appreciation of Esther Meisels. "Thank you for your friendship and inspiration, and for introducing me to Rabbanit Michelle's amazing Daf Yomi podcast. Mazal tov on your new beautiful baby boy."  Rami bar Hama asked about one who vowed about an item that originally was forbidden due to a vow but was now permitted – is the person referring to its original status as a vowed item or is it referring to its status presently as a permitted item. Three sources are brought to try to answer his question – each one used to show that one is referring to the original status and the vow would be valid. However, each proof is rejected. In the end, they suggest that there is a tannaitic debate about Rami bar Hama’s issue.

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