Nedarim 15 - November 9, 15 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 15 Today's daf is sponsored by Sylvia Simmons in loving memory of Rachel Wohl, Rachel Leah bat Avraham Mordechai z”l, her maternal grandmother, on her yahrzeit today.  Rav Yehuda holds that if one vows: “My eyes will be konam to sleep today if I do not sleep tomorrow," one cannot sleep today as they may not be careful tomorrow to make sure the condition isn't met. The Gemara raises six difficulties against Rav Yehuda's position from tannaitic sources and resolves each of them. The Mishna mentioned a case where a man vowed to forbid his wife from having relations with him. How can this kind of vow be effective if her rights to relations with him if by Torah law and therefore it is not within his ability to forbid it using a vow, just like one cannot forbid an item of someone else's on another person through a vow? The Mishna brings the language of an oath that would work for sleeping, eating, etc. wihch are not tangible items. However, there are other languages mentioned in the Mishna that would not be valid languages connoting a vow or an oath.

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